La Crosse Curling Club (LCC)
2024-2025 Policy Statements
LCC BOD finalized 09/12/2024
A. Leagues
League play at the Onalaska Omni Center (255 Riders Club Road, Onalaska, WI 54650) consists of three seasons from June through March. League curlers may participate in as many seasons as they wish – participation in all seasons is not mandatory. Generally, LCC leagues do not curl on holidays or during special events.
For each league, we try to fill 5 sheets with 10 teams. Each team uses the name of the team organizer or skip.
LCC determines the fee structure for each season based on current ice rental rates and ice preparation costs.
2024-2025 Leagues
The following leagues are offered for the 2024-2025 season:
Tuesday Late (Summer)
Open teams (any combination of gender, age, & experience)
Sunday Early & Late (Fall & Winter)
Open teams (any combination of gender, age, & experience)
See Schedule for 2024-2025 for times, start and end dates, and holiday breaks.
Curler Requirements & Guidelines
Prior to participating in any LCC league, each curler must meet the following requirements:
Pay annual LCC club membership fee
Pay applicable LCC league fees
See 2024-2025 Fee Structure for membership and league fee details.
In addition, the following guidelines apply to all curlers:
In the “Spirit of Curling”, we encourage all curlers to wear name tags.
All curlers must arrange their own substitute curlers.
The LCC expects 3rd year curlers to purchase and use personal curling equipment (sliders & broom or stick).
LCC shared equipment is well-used and not recommended for use by curlers hoping to improve.
League Start Times
Teams must start on time; skips monitor this process to start matches at the scheduled start time.
Teams may begin curling with 4, 3, or 2 curlers. Late-arriving curlers may join their team on-ice after the completion of any end.
When a team causes a late start, the following procedure applies:
After 5 minutes delay, the ready team hangs 1 point for the 1st end & claims the hammer.
After 10 minutes, hang 1 additional point/end; repeat at 20 minutes.
After 30 minutes, the late team forfeits the match.
B. 2024-2025 Fee Structure
All payments to the club can be made by cash, check, or Venmo.
Club Membership
Annual Membership $25 per year
League Fees
10-week League $125 per league​​
$15 per participant or $50 for a group of 4
Youth on No-School Days or School Trips
NO CHARGE (students/staff)
Non-member Substitute Curlers (in league games)
$15 per game
C. Memberships and Voting
LCC Membership
Anyone purchasing a club membership is a member of the LCC. Club membership allows members to register for leagues, vote in club elections, teach new curlers, and attend LCC social events.
For information about membership fees, see the 2024-2025 Fee Structure.
All LCC members can access important club information via the LCC Members-only Portal.
USA Curling Membership
The LCC maintains membership in both the Wisconsin State Curling Association (WSCA) and United States Curling Association (USA Curling). An individual USA Curling membership is included with the purchase of an LCC club membership.
For more about USA Curling, see USA Curling - About Membership
Promotional Photography
In order to promote the club and foster the club spirit, the LCC will take pictures at our events and post pictures in locations such as our website and our Facebook page.
Anyone who prefers to not appear in LCC-related postings may contact any Board member. We will honor your preference.
D. Schedule for 2024-2025
Summer Curling Season
TUE 06/18/24 8:00pm – 10:00pm Learn-to-Curl
$15/participant, Instructors at ratio of ~1:5
TUE 06/25/24 8:00pm – 10:00pm Start of Summer League
TUE 08/27/24 LAST Summer League Curling
Fall Curling Season
SUN 09/15/24 4:00pm – 6:00pm Learn-to-Curl
6:30pm – 8:30pm $15/participant, Instructors at ratio of ~1:5
SUN 09/22/24 4:00pm – 6:00pm Start of Sunday Early League
6:30pm – 8:30pm Start of Sunday Late League
SUN 11/24/24 LAST Fall League Sunday Curling
Winter Curling Season
SUN 12/08/24 4:00pm – 6:00pm Learn-to-Curl
6:30pm – 8:30pm $15/participant, Instructors at ratio of ~1:5
SUN 12/15/24 4:15pm – 6:15pm Start of Sunday Early League
6:30pm – 8:30pm Start of Sunday Late League
SUN 12/29/24 NO CURLING (Holiday Break)
SUN 02/09/25 NO CURLING (Super Bowl)
SUN 03/02/25 LAST Winter League Sunday Curling
Other Events
TUE 08/27/24 5:30pm Annual Club Picnic
FRI 09/06/24 Inaugural Arena National Qualifier Bonspiel through 09/08/24
Onalaska Omni Center, Onalaska, WI
THU 10/24/24 LCC Men's & Women's teams compete in USA Curling Arena National Championships through 10/27/24
Wausau Curling Club, Wausau, WI
WED 01/01/25 Rotary Lights Take-down (Volunteers Needed)
SUN 03/09/25 5:00pm Annual Club Meeting
E. Food & Beverage Policy
Only water in shatterproof containers is allowed on the ice. No food or recreational beverages of any kind in any container are allowed on the ice.
Other Areas
Food and beverages (other than water) cannot be brought into the Omni Center. Food, alcoholic beverages, and soft drinks may be consumed only in the concessions/social area.
Food, alcohol, and soft drinks are available at the Omni Center for purchase from concessions. By law, only those 21 and older are allowed to drink alcohol.
F. Committees
1. Instruction and Skills Development Committee
Coordinator: Robert Richardson
The members of this committee design curling instruction opportunities and develop curlers’ skills. They develop instructional programs; recruit instructors; and coordinate instructional classes, youth instructional events, and Learn-to-Curl/Bring-a-Friend events. They maintain accurate lists of instructors and availability dates and a current list of curlers who participated in the learn-to-curl programs.
2. Membership and Curler Recruitment & Retention Committee
Coordinator: Frank Dravis
The members of this committee identify and invite new groups and individuals to learn to curl and to share in the joy of curling – including school & youth groups, corporate entities, service organizations. These members capitalize on Olympic hype to advance recruitment. These members talk with Learn-to-Curl participants to determine their interest to join a 4-week New Curler League or a regular league team.
3. Ice and Equipment Committee
Coordinator: Brian Bessert + Ice Captains
The members of this committee maintain all LCC equipment, including stones, brooms, hacks, scoreboards, and ice making tools/machines. These members ensure that stones, hacks, brooms, etc. get set in place before each night of curling and removed and put away at the end of each night; the members monitor the teams assigned for set-up & take-down. The coordinator notifies the board when any item gets damaged/needs replacement.
4. League Management Committee
Coordinator: Steve Duffrin + League Chairs
Prior to the Fall season of curling, the Board identifies chairs for each league. The BOD provides the chairs with the list of curlers preferring to curl in specific leagues. The chairs facilitate the formation of teams; when registration opens, preference given to confirmed teams; individual registrations accepted; league managers place individuals onto/into teams.
Chairs identify skips and host a start of season skips’ meeting to provide information about the role of the skip in team formation, team management, and the Spirit of Curling. Chairs provide contact information and substitute information for league curlers. The members of this committee create the league schedules for the distinct shifts of curling, arrange teams as necessary, and maintain scoring sheets. The League Chairs collect league fees, schedule early arriving set-up teams, maintain accurate curler records and team records, and may create a playdown schedule for distinct shifts/seasons. WILL eventually manage the League Management software.
5. Social/Media Outreach Committee
Coordinator: Laura Reutlinger
The members of this committee keep curlers connected through in-person events and sharing print/digital media information. They plan get-togethers with members to open/close the season, bonspiel off-ice events, and any social events on or off site at other times throughout the year.
They use LCC logo branding to create and post/publish all LCC information brochures, posters, announcements, local media news releases, league results, bonspiel outreach, and updates to various websites (Facebook, Instagram, LCC website, Parks & Recreation, Tribune Happenings/Calendar, the Convention and Visitors Bureau Visitor’s Guide & website, and the USCA). They work closely with the Membership and Curler Recruitment Committee members to publicize and advertise curling events. The members of this committee also seek opportunities for LCC visibility (e.g., Rotary Lights).
6. Sales & Partnerships Committee
Delegator: Kathi Millard
The members of this committee identify and solicit sponsors and sponsorship opportunities such as the following:
Team Sponsor (pays for team members’ fees).
KWIK Trip Scrip (offered three or more times each year)
Scoreboard Sponsor Program:
Name/Logo advertised on the board [2’x 4.5’] @$350 first year+$250 years 2,3.
Cost for foam core signs: $100. Signs hang via "S” hooks into holes of sheet scoreboard.
A “scoreboard sponsorship” connotes one designated sheet for curling all year - including the bonspiel.
8. Strategic Planning Committee
Coordinators: Roger Ziff & Bruce Nordeen
The members of this committee determine and monitor the goals, objectives, and timeline for the long-term plan culminating in the creation of a dedicated curling ice facility. The members develop the plan for the growth of the LCC, for the oversight of the LCC investments, and for hosting championship curling events. The members serve on subcommittees (e.g., Building and Fundraising) The committee chairs report progress to the general membership at the Annual Meeting in April.
9. Nominating Committee
Coordinator: LCC Vice-President (Kathi Millard)
By February 1 of each year, the Board shall appoint a nominating committee comprised of three (3) members of the LCC: one representing the new members, one representing the long-time curlers, and one representing the middle group. This group works under the leadership of the Board Vice President. By March 15, the chair shall send to the Secretary (1) the names of members who have agreed to serve on the board for a three-year term to replace those members whose terms expire and (2) the slate of officers to serve for the next year.
Board-Appointed Positions
A) League Chairs
Identify skips, host a start of season skips’ meeting, collect fees, and start shift on-time.
B) Ice Captains
Direct the preparation of the ice for curling immediately before the start of curling. Follow a “blueprint” of tasks and direct the assigned assisting-team.
C) Bonspiel Committee
The chair(s) of this committee select and appoint sub-committee chairs. They develop a comprehensive planning schedule and present this plan to the BOD. The appropriate chairs work with the appropriate ice managers to secure a contract for exclusive use by the LCC of the kitchen/concessions space, ice surfaces, and curling related equipment during the bonspiel. The members develop the registration form and various documents / media announcements necessary to communicate with inquiring curlers and with registered teams; they also develop posters / electronic postings to send to clubs at least three months in advance of the bonspiel. The members create sub-committees and select chairs for those committees.
D) Ad Hoc Committees
As needed and as defined for specific purposes.
G. Board: Member Expectations, Officers, and Duties
The LCC Board of Directors meets monthly (including summer) for approximately 1.5-2hrs per meeting; the President may call additional meetings if needed.
A member of the board is expected to:
Attend each monthly meeting, any specially called meetings, and the annual Membership Meeting.
Take an active leadership role within the club and promote club activities and curling in the community in positive ways. Coordinate at least one LCC committee and solicit member-participation.
Participate in all discussions relevant to the LCC, but remain mindful of end-time set for the meeting.
Contact the Secretary and President, should s/he be unable to attend a regular monthly meeting, a specially called meeting, or the Annual Membership meeting.
Maintain annual SafeSport certification as required by USCA.
Should a member of the board be absent from three meetings in a membership year, the President is expected to contact the board member to ask if s/he wishes to resign from the Board.
The La Crosse Curling Club elects board members for three (3) year terms.
The Board is reconstituted annually with the election of Board members at the Annual Meeting.
At the first regular meeting of the Board of Directors following each Annual Meeting of the Members or sooner as determined by the Board, the Directors shall elect from among their number a President, a Vice President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer who shall hold office for one (1) year or until their successors are elected.
DUTIES OF THE PRESIDENT: The President shall be the chief executive officer of the La Crosse Curling Club and preside over all meetings of the Board and of the Members. S/he shall have general and active management of the business of the La Crosse Curling Club and shall see that all orders and resolutions of the Board are carried into effect. S/he shall serve as the overseer of Board members’ adherence to Section 1. S/he shall be an ex officio member of all standing committees and shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management usually vested in the office of President of a corporation.
DUTIES OF THE VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President during the absence or disability of the President. S/he shall serve as the ex-officio head of all committees. S/he shall serve as the organizer of the Nominating Committee.
DUTIES OF THE SECRETARY: The Secretary shall attend all meetings of the Members and the Board of Directors, and shall preserve in the files of the La Crosse Curling Club true minutes of the proceedings of all such meetings, all records of importance, all notices, and other duties as may be delegated by the BOD.
DUTIES OF THE TREASURER: The Treasurer shall have custody of all corporate funds and securities and shall keep in books belonging to the LCC full and accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements. S/he shall deposit all monies {fees collected, apparel/bonspiel profits}, securities {Vanguard-3 funds} and other valuable effects in the name of the LCC in such depositories as may be designated for that purpose by the Board of Directors. S/he shall disburse the funds as may be ordered by the Board, taking proper vouchers for such disbursements. S/he will check and balance finances and shall coordinate with the Bookkeeper. S/he shall render to the President and Directors at the regular meeting of the Board, and whenever requested by them, an account of all transactions as Treasurer/Bookkeeper & of the financial condition of the LCC. The Treasurer may delegate tasks to the Bookkeeper, if the Board appoints one.
In case of the treasurer’s death, resignation, retirement, or removal from office, all books, papers, brochures, money and property of whatever kind in his/her possession or under his control belonging to the LCC shall be returned to the President.
H. Discrimination and Sexual Harassment
The La Crosse Curling Club does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion (creed), gender, gender expression, age, national origin (ancestry), disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to, hiring and firing of staff and consultants, selection of volunteers and vendors, and provision of services.
The LCC is committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all members of our organization, volunteers, subcontractors, vendors, and clients.
The La Crosse Curling Club recognizes the right of every member to be able to participate without being subjected to any form of harassment or bullying. It is the obligation and responsibility of EVERY member to ensure the club is free of harassment or bullying. The La Crosse Curling Club will not tolerate harassment or bullying by any of its members or guests.
Harassment includes:
(1) A repeated pattern of behavior that (a) is intended to cause fear or humiliation, (b) offends or degrades, (c) creates a hostile environment, or (d) reflects discriminatory bias in an attempt to establish dominance, superiority or power over an individual athlete or group based on gender, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, and/or other protected classes; or
(2) Any act or conduct described as harassment under federal or state law.
Bullying includes:
(1) An intentional, persistent and repeated pattern of physical and/or non-physical behaviors that are intended, or have the reasonable potential, to cause fear, humiliation, or physical harm in an attempt to socially exclude, diminish, or isolate; or
(2) Any act or conduct described as bullying under federal or state law.
I. United States Curling Association: SafeSport
As a USA Curling Member Club, the La Crosse Curling Club complies with USA Curling SafeSport and Minor Athlete Abuse Prevention Policies.
More Information: USA Curling SafeSport Handbook
Questions: SafeSport@usacurl.org
Helpline: SafeSport Helpline
J. La Crosse Area Community Foundation (LACF)
The LACF manages the La Crosse Curling Club Fund. LACF provides legitimacy and reputation to bolster the LCC image. They provide professional assistance in (1) donation strategizing and donor outreach, (2) website and brochure development, (3) pledge collections, (4) bill payments, & (5) access to grant distributions